Rife Health. Since 1999 your source for proven and effective healing technology.
Effective, intuitive, reliable, affordable.

SARTA (SA Resonance Therapy Association) Workshops  

(Sponsored by Wave Technologies/Rife Health)


Theme of Workshops: Natural Healing with Technology
Learn about frequency healing, ozone therapy, and MRA scanning with the Bodysonic.
With knowledge gained at this workshop, you will be empowered to apply safe and effective technology that will positively change your life.
Part of Rife Health's after-sales service policy invites clients to attend regular workshops on applying Rife resonators and ozone generators. Attendees are welcome to share information and ask questions.
The aim of these workshops is to empower these device owners to obtain more effective and quicker results.
By making a choice to live healthier, one sometimes needs a tool to achieve your goal of a healthier lifestyle. One can achieve that goal by having a regular health scan and then applying your own Wave Resonator and Ozonator.

SARTA Workshops coming up!!! Click on the venue button below to book your attendance.




 9:30 -11:30 The steps to follow to get effective results with your Wave Resonator.

11:30 - 16:00 BodySonic refreshing course




27July /2024

9:30 -11:30 The steps to follow to get effective results with your Wave Resonator.
11:30 - 16:00 BodySonic refreshing course


Cape Town

Western Cape

*Dates and venues may change. Please keep visiting this page to be updated.

Click here to book