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The BEAMER HEALTHPAD (Rife Health Frequency Mat)

The BEAMER Healthpad is the first successful attempt to develop a portable antenna for use with a Rife Health resonator.


It is an accessory to the Rife Health Wave5 Resonator models to create radiant energy.


Connected to the Wave5 it generates a healing electromagnetic field to treat the following:


·      Reduce pain and inflammation


·      Improve energy/circulation, blood/tissue oxygenation


·      Regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as the uptake of nutrients


·      Increase cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells


·      Accelerates repair of bone and soft tissue


·      relaxes muscles


The original Healthpad has already been developed in 2003; Originally to use under a horse saddle to treat equine diseases. It was however found by farmer clients that the mat in conjunction with a frequency generator to also be effective even against moulds in silos.

It can effectively be used with the "Repeat" function on the Wave resonators to get extra treatments while sleeping or traveling. To read more about the Repeat Function, CLICK HERE: Functions on Resonators


It radiates a healthy energy field in a vortex of about 1,5 meter around the mat. Because of this radiance it can be hanged in a room or placed on a table in a room to treat people or even animals in its vicinity. Ideally suited for creches, kennels and piggeries.


The latest BEAMER model has electronic coil circuit boards inside and although the new BEAMER healthpad is smaller than the previous Rife Healthpad it radiates a much stronger magnetic field.


The mat is ideally suited to treat back pain and sport injuries.