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How to treat yourself against Covid-19

If you are infected with the Coronavirus keep treating yourself with Infections, the Coronavirus Treatment and Set (Uploaded with the software) and with the Respiratory Treatment. Treat yourself as many times per day as possible. When you go in the coughing fits stage treat yourself with the Respiratory Treatment. Do also the cell healing and/or Wound Healing treatments to repair damaged lung tissue.

If you have not been diagnosed with being infected with the Coronavirus then it is prudent to ensure that you are healthy and germ free. The healthier you are how stronger your immune system will be. If you are healthy and got infected by the Coronavirus your immune system will fight the virus. Therefor prepare yourself by keeping away from people (Social distancing) and build your immune system in preparation.

Use an Ozonator to keep your environment free from the coronavirus. Especially when people from outside like healthcare workers visit your home. Do not use the Ozonator while you are in a confined room. Rather use the Ozonator to disinfect a room and only enter 20 minutes after the Ozonator has stopped running in this room.

Eat healthy, rest and treat yourself on a daily basis with your Rife with the Infections Treatment.

If you do not have the Coronavirus Treatment on your resonator you can still treat yourself effectively with the Infections and Respiratory Treatments.

Please CLICK HERE to find the frequencies for a broad spectrum Coronavirus Treatment. To find instructions to upload the new treatment to your resonator CLICK HERE.