Wave5 and 6 Technical
Both the Wave4 and Wave5 use the same rechargeable battery (model 18650). They are freely available from shops that sell e-cigarettes/eVapes and LED flashlights.
If the battery does not charge change the 5 volt 2 ampere charger with another one. If still not charging change the charging cable with another one.
Although the battery is suppose to only be replaced every 18th month, it could be in this case that the battery became faulty.
In this case just obtain another battery from a local shop that sells electronic goods
"Frozen" screen.
The instrument is switched on and the display is illuminated but the screen appears to be frozen. A reset is then necessary. To do this; one just have to open the lid on the back of the unit with a small screwdriver and with the screwdriver slide one of the battery's ends so that it will not make contact anymore. The screen will then go dead. Slide the battery back so that the battery make contact with the device again and the unit will reset again. Close the lid.
No load message when connected to Beamer Healthpad.
How to set the Wave5 to read a coil Healthpad
(Only when the Wave5 shows the “No Load” message)
Switch on the Wave5 without connecting the Healthpad.
Take the blue cables that one used for the hand electrodes. Connect only one of these cables in a loop. Both ends of this cable must be inserted in the Wave5’s plug inlets.
Go to “SETTINGS” on the touchscreen.
Instrument should now make a “beep” noise. This means the unit/cable is good!
No beep means the unit/cable is faulty and must be sent back to supplier for inspection.
If the unit made a “beep” sound keep the cable in a loop.
Select a treatment.
Select the “Coil” option.
No beeps mean that the instrument is now set to recognise the coil option. Remove this cable from one insert and insert the other cable. Connect both cables to the coil mat.
NB. Only connect a coil/mat after the instrument has been switched on.
"No load" message when Beamer Healthpad is running on Coil mode on Wave5:
Disconnect Beamer Healthpad from Wave5.
Switch on Wave5.
Select a Treatment to run.
When prompted:
Select Coil
Then only connect the mat.
Press play icon (to nun treatment)